Here are some immature ideas that I come up with when I am taking a walk or having a meal. Feel free to get some inspiration from this post and write some papers. I am glad to see study on these topics. This post will be updated from time to time.

  1. The research field underestimates the importance of optimization. You cannot expect one to have perfect memory. What we do every day is just adjusting our cognition. That’s what Mass Editing Memory in a Transformer does! This method remodels knowledge, namely the relation between object. But it does not involve behavioral remodeling, for example the procedure to solve a tedious math problem. Information of relations between texts and images is in cross-attention layers(e.g. prompt to prompt), while the knowledge-related relations are stored in MLP layers(e.g. Are procedural relations stored in cross-attention layers?

  2. Humans can induct rules given miscellaneous facts. The rules can be utilized for robust and efficient judgement.

  3. Human is able to transfer to the relation of open-world objects as long as he or she has realize such concept, even if the sample is simple. For example a child can learn the relative spatial concept of “left” and “right” by observe the position of building blocks a teachers shows. From such a point of view, humans is capable of separating the learning process of objects and relations. However, the models learn visual representation from the whole image. They can hardly transfer to the concept of “A on B” if “A” and “B” are new objects although they have learned some scenes having the concept of “on”.(TODO: really? perform an experiment!)(THOUGHTS: perhaps we can separate structure and objects?)(THOUGHTS: can we save some patterns, or typical examples in memory and retrieve the pattern in inference like what we do in few shot learning.) Incremental span relation?

  4. Learning cycle (which can easily solve long-tail problem): Leaning(connectionism) -> summary and extract rule(symbolicism) -> use rules and internalization(connectionism)(use rules = in-context learning-derived pseudo label)

  5. Perhaps different people deal with information in different ways (in images, in texts, in voices, etc.) Does this mean the universal embedding in our brain has a preferable modal which is different for peoples? What is your preponderant subject? Math, Chinese, English…?

  6. AGI becomes a general platform. Whenever domain-specific knowledge is required, we can add some payload to it. How to make the payload easy to add or remove?

  7. How does human store knowledge. Can we utilize the same approach in AI?

  8. The depth of the network layer is a constant over the training process. Can we make it dynamic?

  9. VLMO first trains MHSA and visual FFN on image-only data. Then it frozes MHSA and trains language FFN on text-only data. Why is it such an order? I think language is easier than image and have more explicit semantic information. So shouldn’t it be trained first?

  10. Can the model be more robust if we limit the bandwidth like what it is when the information is passed from the retina to the brain? It may keep the model from adversarial attacks. Limited bandwidth but can see multiple times.

  11. Math calculation through Reinforcement learning. Think of the world as a piece of infinite graph paper. Every block on it has a letter/word in. Then the model reads and write the paper. In math calculation, it is easier to align in the paper.

  12. “Integration is everything” biology paper:

  13. Part predicts part instead of considering the global influence using back propagation.

  14. Ultimate model

  • Entangled components specifically suitable for different sub-tasks(brain partition)
  • Embodied intelligence
  • Corresponding parameter updating method
  • Corresponding Training strategy
  • Quantum acceleration(?)
  • Deeply intra-entangled and shallowly interactive
  1. Codewords are a universal language. Hierarchical predictive coding architecture.

  2. How to measure the memory capability of a model for different models including CNN, RNN and Transformer?

  3. How to symbolize a neural network? Quantization?

  4. What’s the utilization rate of a neuron? How to measure the expressive ability of models and the complexity of data?

  5. Combine “pruning is learning” in the lottery ticket hypothesis and “forgetting is learning” in the information bottleneck theory together.

  6. Similarity between circuits in different networks?

  7. Adversarial attacks towards circuit? Hallucination.

  8. To what extent does the model rely on rote memorization? In model training, two forces contribute to performance improvement: rote memorization and the development of circuits (genuine understanding of patterns). Rote memorization does not benefit performance on the test set much, whereas circuits, which represent a deeper understanding, offer stronger generalization capabilities. I am curious if there is a way to reduce the model’s reliance on rote memorization while enhancing the development of circuits. The first step would be to quantitatively assess these two abilities and disentangle them from the performance curve on the test set.

  9. Language is meant to be used, not merely parroted. The true measure of a language model’s generation quality lies in assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of communication in practical application scenarios. This is why instruction tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) are so crucial. However, both methods heavily rely on human intervention and require significant labor and resources. In fact, placing an intelligent agent in an interactive environment that provides feedback can simulate the scenarios in which humans use language. Since this environment provides feedback, the results can be used to assess communication effectiveness, or in other words, serve as a reward, becoming the supervisory signal for reinforcement learning.

  10. Does a fine-tuned model exhibit stronger hallucinations? How to identify and address hallucinations? How to modify internal pathways?

  11. SGD is not the best optimization algorithm for neural networks. Is there better algorithms? Can you prove the disadvantages of SGD? Analyze a simple (Hierarchical) model trained on structured synthetic dataset using SGD. Prove/verify that it would converge to a suboptimal point.