
Every binary classifier is a function mapping its input, which is an element in an enumerable dataset, to 0 or 1. Equivalently, we could regard the classifier as a function $ f : \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \{ 0, 1 \} $. We have a set of hypotheses $\mathcal{H}$ from which a function is chosen to maximize the classification accuracy. It is perfect if $\mathcal{H}$ contains all possible functions $ f : \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \{ 0, 1 \} $, which indicates a universal approximator. However, when the expressiveness of our model is limited by computational cost or the size of the magnitude of parameters, it remains a problem to quantitatively measure the ability to approximate the ground truth. For example, if $\mathcal{H}$ only consists of functions which produce 1 only on one data point, namely,

$$ f_i (x) = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if } x = i\\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}, \quad i \in \mathbb{N}, $$

it is impossible to fit the data when the ground truths are all 1.

In statistical learning, we have two related metrics on this: the shattering coefficient and VC (Vapnik–Chervonenkis) dimension.

Shattering coefficient $ S_{\mathcal{H}} (n) $ is defined as $ \sup_{k_1, k_2, \ldots, k_n} | { (f (k_1), f (k_2), \ldots, f (k_n)) : f \in \mathcal{H} \} | $.

For example, in the following hypothesis, $ S_{\mathcal{H}} (1) = 2 $, $ S_{\mathcal{H}} (2) = 4 $ (for input 0,2), $ S_{\mathcal{H}} (3) = 5 $ (for input 0,2,3).

input $f_1$ $f_2$ $f_3$ $f_4$ $f_5$
0 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 1 0
3 0 0 1 1 1
others 0 0 0 0 0

A hypothesis $\mathcal{H}$ shatters a set of inputs $ d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_t \in \mathbb{N} $ if $ \# \{ (f (d_1), f (d_2), \ldots, f (d_t)) : f \in \mathcal{H} \} = 2^t $. For example, the hypothesis above shatters $ \{ 0, 2 \} $ and $ \{ 0, 3 \} $ but does not shatter $ \{ 0, 1 \} $ or $ \{ 0, 1, 2 \} $.

For the sake of proving Theorem, we introduce the conditioned shattering coefficient $ S_{\mathcal{H}, L} (n) = \sup_{k_1, k_2, \ldots, k_n \in L} | \{ (f (k_1), f (k_2), \ldots, f (k_n)) : f \in \mathcal{H} \} | $ where $ L \subseteq \mathbb{N} $.

VC dimension $ \mathcal{V}_{\mathcal{H}} $ is defined as $ \sup \{ | P | : P \text{ is shattered by } \mathcal{H}, P \subseteq \mathbb{N} \} $.

Similarly, the conditioned VC dimension $ \mathcal{V}_{\mathcal{H}, L} $ is defined as $ \sup \{ | P | : P \text{ is shattered by } \mathcal{H}, P \subseteq L \} $.

A relationship between the shattering coefficient and the VC dimension is unraveled by Sauer, Shelah, and Perles.

Sauer-Shelah-Perles Lemma


$$ S_{\mathcal{H}} (n) \leqslant \sum_{i = 0}^{\mathcal{V}_{\mathcal{H}}} \binom{n}{i}. $$


Without loss of generality, let $ | \{ (f (1), f (2), \ldots, f (n)) : f \in \mathcal{H} \} | = S_{\mathcal{H}} (n) $. And denote $\mathcal{R}$ as a subset of $\mathcal{H}$ such that $ S_{\mathcal{H}} (n) = S_{\mathcal{R}} (n) $.

  1. We first prove this theorem when the dataset only has $ n $ inputs, like $ 1, 2, \ldots, n $ without loss of generality. In other words, we would like to prove that

$$ S_ {\mathcal{H}, [n]} (n) \leqslant \sum_ {i = 0}^{\mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{H}, [n]}} \binom{n}{i} $$

we would prove this special case by induction on $ n $. When $ n = 1 $, it is obvious.

Now we would consider the induction from $ n $ to $ n + 1 $. We call two functions $ f, g $ in the same type if $ f|_ {[n - 1]} = g|_ {[n - 1]} $. There are at most two functions in the same type since they can only differ on the output given the input $ n $. A representative set $ \mathcal{R}' $ is constructed by choosing one element from every type. Every $ f |_ {[n - 1]} $ is distinct for every $ f \in \mathcal{R}' $. Therefore, $ | \mathcal{R}' | = S_{\mathcal{R}', [n - 1]} (n - 1) $. Similarly, we get $ | \mathcal{R} \backslash \mathcal{R}' | = S_{\mathcal{R} \backslash \mathcal{R}', [n - 1]} (n - 1) $.

A simple estimation of the VC dimension is derived from $\mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{R}', [n - 1]} \leqslant \mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{R}', [n]} \leqslant \mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{R}, [n]} $. The fact that any function in $\mathcal{R} \backslash \mathcal{R}'$ has its representative in $\mathcal{R}'$ that only varies 0/1 on the input $ n $ indicates for any set $ K $ shattered by $\mathcal{R} \backslash \mathcal{R}' $, $ K \bigcup \{ n \} $ can also be shattered by $(\mathcal{R} \backslash \mathcal{R}') \bigcup \mathcal{R}' =\mathcal{R} $, meaning $\mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{R} \backslash \mathcal{R}', [n - 1]} \leqslant \mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{R}, [n]} - 1 $.

Combining all of them together obtains $$ \begin{align*} S_ {\mathcal{H}, [n]} (n) & = S_ {\mathcal{R}, [n]} (n) = | \mathcal{R} | = | \mathcal{R}' | + | \mathcal{R} \backslash \mathcal{R}' |\\ & = S_ {\mathcal{R}', [n - 1]} (n - 1) + S_ {\mathcal{R} \backslash \mathcal{R}', [n - 1]} (n - 1)\\ & \leqslant \sum_ {i = 0}^{\mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{R}', [n - 1]}} \binom{n - 1}{i} + \sum_ {i = 0}^{\mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{R} \backslash \mathcal{R }', [n - 1]}} \binom{n - 1}{i}\\ & \leqslant \sum_ {i = 0}^{\mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{R}, [n]}} \binom{n - 1}{i} + \sum_ {i = 0}^{\mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{R}, [n]} - 1} \binom{n - 1}{i}\\ & = \sum_ {i = 0}^{\mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{R}, [n]}} \binom{n - 1}{i} + \binom{n - 1}{i - 1}, \qquad ( \text{define} \binom{n - 1}{- 1} = 0)\\ & = \sum_ {i = 0}^{\mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{H}, [n]}} \binom{n}{i} . \end{align*} $$

  1. Then let’s go back to the original theorem. Make $\mathcal{Q}= \{ f |_ {[n]} : f \in \mathcal{R}\}$ encompassing the functions induced from $\mathcal{R}$ on $[n] \{ 1, 2, \ldots, n \}$. Applying the limited conclusion we induced in the last part to $\mathcal{R}$ and $[n]$ shows that $S_ {\mathcal{H}} (n) = S_ {\mathcal{R}} (n) = S_ {\mathcal{Q}, [n]} (n) \leqslant \mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{Q}, [n]} =\mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{R}, [n]} \leqslant \mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{R}} \leqslant \mathcal{V}_ {\mathcal{H}}$ which draws the conclusion.

Comment: Most proofs in textbooks on statistical learning ignore that both $\mathcal{H}$ and $\mathbb{N}$ are infinite sets and the difference between the conditional (VC dimension/shattering coefficient) and the unconditional (VC dimension/shattering coefficient) on infinite sets.


For more proofs of the case of limited datapoints, check this article where 3 proofs are delineated.