Quick Start

  1. Install this tool.

Read this page for details.

  1. Set up the expected Project-Entertainment Ratio(PER).

A project is a planned, time-constraint event, usually linked to a note to record related information, for instance, write a program, write a paper, etc.

Entertainment time is freer and easier in comparison with a project. What you can do at entertainment involves reading novels, going to a concert, traveling for a week, etc.

Your eating time, sleep time and those that you must do to support your life are not implicated in your PER's consideration(but they are recorded in your time log)

How much time you would like to spend on things that require long-term persistence and efforts is up to you. And this tool is going to make an initial setup based on your answer.

Suppose you sleep for 8 hours every day. Different PERs are listed below for reference.

  1. Add some events to log your time.

Add two new types "Productivity" and "Improvement" to your time logger. You are expected to change/rename/subdivide these types to customize them for you. Then start with "Productivity" which is what you are doing right now.

  1. Add your projects.

We suggest every project has a deadline if possible, to fight against procrastination. In the project, you need to set how much time you are going to devote into it every week and every day.

Then you are required to set milestones(for example 3 milestones) in the project note. A project note is a note dedicated to record everything concerning this project. You can utilize the link and backlink functionality in Obsidian to associate more notes to it. These milestones also have their own deadlines. But it is not necessarily to set all the deadlines at once because the deadline of the next milestone may depend on your previous one.

  1. Add your tasks.

After your project is added, try to create a task associated with this project/milestone.

  1. Log your "improvement".

Switch your time record from "Productivity" to "Improvement".

  1. Start a pomodoro.

Start a pomodoro and associate it with the project/milestone you added. Write down what you expect at the end of this pomodoro in the dialog box and start focusing on this task. Please avoid any interruption during this period. If something comes across your mind, just scribble it down in the draft box or add a new task in the quick add pane. Let's continue this process by clicking the "fast forward" button. At the end of the pomodoro, you are required to evaluate yourself giving a score between 0 to 100%. Then you will earn some random coins based on the algorithm.

Our system would recommend another task based on your energy and the interest score of all your tasks today. This is the only task you have added to the system, so you have finished all your tasks today. You will get a bonus for this.

  1. Add entertainments.

strategy 1.

After working for a long time, you need some time to relax yourself. Based on the types of different activities, you ought to play different prices for them. Now it's time to add your first entertainment item. Fill in the blank and we would calculate a recommended reward for you. For now, add an entertainment named "read novels" with initial interest value 5 and set the price as 0 just for demonstration. Add another entertainment named "go to cinema" with the initial interest value 4 and set the price as 0 also for demonstration. You are expected to create your customized project/entertainment economy under the guidance of our algorithm.

Start your first entertainment "read novels" and click the "fast forward" button to end it. Start your second entertainment "go to cinema" and and end it again. A dialog box would pop up to prompt you to enter whether you prefer "read novels" or "go to cinema". Choose "go to cinema" which contradicts with your initially given interest values. Our algorithm would recommend another price for your entertainment and it is up to you to accept or not.

Stategy 2.

The standard recommendation for the price is 1 coin for 1 hour. And you may fluctuate it around 0.8-1.2 based on you preference. For example, surfing the addictive social network is more stimulative to our neural systems compared to read The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. But after scrolling the smart phone screen for an hour, it only leaves us nihility and the impulse to watch more memes, while what the novel that seems boring at the first glance leaves us is a long-lasting spirit -- "a man can be destroyed but not defeated". In such cases, assign a higher price for social networking and a lower for novels might be a better choice.