
There are many concepts in RewardBank and this page would walk you through them quickly.

Project Entertainment Ratio(PER)

This ratio is set by yourself. It is a measure of the work/day balance. You can get coins from finishing your project and use your coins to buy some entertainment. We add some randomness to the process to achieve the intermittent random reward.

Task Management


A project is a long-term event, possibly last for months. We recommend to set a deadline for every project to resist procrastination. A ideal period for a project is 12-week time, roughly a quarter.


Milestones are used as subgoals in your project to track your rate of process. Milestones should preferably be quantitative, at least qualitative, to guarentee a definite measurability. Milestones not only provide you the track of your project, but also give you an impulse to continue and the observable hope to finish a seemingly unattainable project.


Actions are what you actually do every day. They are the most fine-grained schedule for your project. You add actions to your daily schedule and finish them. A action is not necessarily associated with a milestone or a project. For example, take the trash can be a action but it is not categorized in any projects in common cases.

Every action has a value, interest, indicating how interesting you find this action is. This value is used in our task scheduling.

Time management

Time Record

Your time records track every moment of your day, including your sleep. It is not necessarily to be tied with a specific project. For example, you never expect your sleep as a project.😂


The Pomodoro technique enjoys a good reputation for its effectiveness of narrowing your focus on a concrete task in a given time period. During this period, you should be 100% focused on the task on your hand. Nothing can interrupt you or you cannot harvest a tomato at the end of this pomodoro. We have a quick add for you to add a task or something else that just comes across your mind. Write it down and go back to your original task. Everytime you finish focusing for a time interval, you ought to evaluate your performance during this period to assist you to have a better control of yourself.

A pomodoro must be associated with a corresponding task (and a corresponding time log because the logger is always tracking your time).

Reward Bank


Coins are "fiat currency" in the reward bank system. Based on coins, we implement the random intermittent reward system to enhance your urge to pursuit your goal and maintain a balance between projects and entertainment.


There are multiple ways you can earn coins.


You can exchange coins for the opportunities to get entertainment.


Everything that is not in the list of projects and makes you happy is an entertainment. It can be playing the piano, read novels. Every entertainment is like a commodity in a shopping mall. The price is determined by yourself but we have a recommendation system to assist you to set and adjust the value.


We have a list of bonus for you to reduce your work friction -- for example, to get into the state focusing on your work with less pain after a vacation or a period when you have a low mood.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

When you embark on the task itself, you would say, "well, it's easier than expected". And bonuses are used to promote things like this stuff. The first task you do every day would reward you a bonus.


Our system would reward your persistence. For example, clocking in for 100 days would unlock an achievement named "100-day Legend" and give you a reward.

Lucky Chest

This is a random reward that would appear occasionally anytime you are using this plugin . You can disable this functionality or restrict when it can occur if you do not want to be disrupted during a pomodoro.